[About Me]

Name: Sarah
Loves: JESUS!!! Family, Megalife, Ushering, Friends, Being lame and crazy, reaching out to lost souls
B'day: 17 March 1990

[ my paths]

August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 April 2008


  • Megalife ushers!
  • Audrey
  • Cheryl
  • Cordelia
  • FFF
  • Heather
  • Hui Ping
  • Janel
  • Kimberly
  • Melissa
  • Priscilla
  • Vivian
  • ESPECIALLY FOR: MY DEAR FRIENDS OF 4E, 1A02 AND ALL NON- CHRISTIANS OUT THERE IMAGINE: You are walking in a desert...perspiration drenches your face..the sunlight pierces through your skin, at times blinding you..the stiffling heat is overbearing, and as you drag your tired self on, suffering of thrist and hunger, and you wonder why you bother to continue living..life to you has become meaningless.. its all a vicious cycle...you walk aimlessly and endlessly, just to find yourself following your own footprints of the previous day..serveral vultures trail behind you, their glare is fixed on you...you cry out in agony, but not one seems to hear or see you..all hope to you is lost... Or so it seems.. Suddenly, you see a trickle of water flowing right beneath your feet..could it be? you wonder whether it is a mirage, but as the trickle turns into a small stream, you start to believe, and you follow that stream...and as the stream gets wider, you see a shape in the distance..you start running to it, and what lies before you is a mountain in all its splendour. Out of this mountain flows streams of fresh spring water. You drink from the stream, and the water is as sweet as ever. The vultures disappear..You stare in amazement..how could it be? But the mountain still stands there, as majestic as ever... Do you believe? Do you believe that just as there was a mountain in the desert, God can do the impossible? Do you believe that just as fresh spring water flowed out of the mountain, God is giving you an opputunity to drink from His well? Do you believe that just as how all hope is lost in the dersert, God has put that mountain of hope to restore your broken life and give you the hope that you need to start life afresh? Do you believe that God can erase that past that huants you, just as vultures do in a dersert, and give you a new life? Do you believe? Believe it. Believe that God is real. Because in John chp 3:16 it says:" For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." God loves you so much, that he sent his son to die for YOU. Believe that God can do the impossible. Because in Isaiah 49:19 it says;" See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not percieve it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Believe that God wll always be there for you, through the thick and thin. because in Psalms chp 23:4 it says:" Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Believe it. Now you have a choice. The mountain represents God. He will always be there when things seem impossible to solve. Now you can choose to run to that mountain where you can seek shelter from, or you can just treat it as a mirage. The choice is yours. If you have chose to believe that God is real, and you believe that Jesus came down and died on the cross to take away your sins and then rose again, say this with all your heart: " Dear Jesus, I believe you are tha Son of God and that you gave your life as a payment for the sins of mankind. I believe you rose from the dead and you are alive today in heaven preparing a place for those who trust in you. I have not lived in a way that honours you. Please forgive me for my sins and come into my life as Saviour and Lord. Help me grow in knowledge and obedience to you. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for giving me eternal life. Amen." ( prayer taken from stories for the extreme teen's heart) If you prayed that prayer, CONGRATULATIONS, the angels are rejoicing in heaven now. If you have not, God will always be waiting for you to accept Him:)

    [[ John 3:16 ]]
    For God so loved the world that
    he gave his one and only Son,

    that whoever believes in him
    shall not perish but have eternal life.

    [[ John 14:6 ]]
    Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.
    No one comes to the Father except through me.

    [[ John 8:32 ]]
    Then you will know the truth,
    and the truth will set you free.

    He l[0]ves yo[u]*.

    Thursday, April 03, 2008

    YOYOYOYOOOOOO!!!! Ok its been a super long time since i last blogged....haha...and my blog has basically been. DEAD. hahha...so time to revive it abit...WAKEY WAKEY MR BLOGGY!!! well...it's hols now...the first half of hols was spent preparing and trusting God in my piano exam, then another week preparing to go back Malaysia for a very impt mission: reaching out to my grandma...you want to know the whole story come find me..HAHA. But it went well...God was there, i could feel Him as we went forward...super cool...so now is basically trusting that He'll fufill His promise to us...yupyup...and right now its slacking...cell stuff...more slacking...church stuff...and wow...God has been showing me amazing stuff...Lord grant me perseverance and TRUST in You....Oh Lord, teach me Your ways....

    Well...school's starting soon...Lord...yes Lord, I will go and do as You say....grant me a greater sensitivity to Your voice...teach me how Lord, when it seems impossible...I wanna lift Your name on high... CHRISTIANS OUT THERE....THE HARVEST IS HERE!!!! ARE YOU DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!?!???!? KEEP THAT FIRE BURNING FOR JESUS! :D
    Sarah Wong @ 12:43 AM

    Sunday, February 03, 2008

    okok its been a longggg time since i blogged. hahaha...so since people have acty been bugging me on my tagboard to blog, i shall blog....hahahaha...

    Well, been choinging projects basically..but now its down to the last individual assignment and one more exam, so...WHEW! only one bad thing which is i have to study during chinese new year period...but, welly, only one exam, so not so bad:D Things spiritually have been good:) everytime i just feel so down..God lets me see....look! There they are! There's your spiritual family! You have so many bros and sisters in Christ! why do you choose to feel lonely? and then i start to look up...and i see...my best friend smiling at me...and i look around...so many ppl cheering me on..loving me for who I am...and not wad i can do or anything else...Oh Lord..i asked for one friend on this earth...you gave me a whole family..thank you Jesus:)

    Lord...lemme learn how to practice the true meaning of forgiveness..lemme learn how to pray for those who have hurt me...lemme learn..how to have compassion for them...just as how You have for each and every single person on this earth..Lord...use my brokenness...to be a blessing to others...

    Welly, havent really been feeling like blogging cos there acty have been alot of stuff happening..esp spiritually, which is really good, so much so that im started a daily journal! haha...on MS word...got inspiration from Mr Shawn Ling...haha..so basically everything's gonna go into that journal..and ppl which i wanna share it too will get to read part of it..muahah..so..i dunno..the end of my blog? maybe not...i still wanna use this as an inspiration...maybe i'll blog once in awhile..but for those whom I know..well, you guys know where and how to find and talk to me, so anything just ask mannn...and i'll be willing to share and give you advice if you need:) well well mr bloggy, to the next time i blog, byee byeeee :D

    -------------JESUS LOVES YOU:)---------------
    Sarah Wong @ 8:49 PM

    Friday, January 04, 2008

    This year's gonna be a crazy year...another year of hard work..But God promised His presence and His anointing...so I know its also gonna be a great year....have been learning more about the Holy Spirit through the book "Good Morning Holy Spirit" by Benny Hinn...great book...interesting stuff...how interesting? Started today im already half way through the book...cool stuff mannn...Oh God let Your fire consume Highlife...hear our cry...we need your touch...

    Been going through craziness...confusion..hurt...just a deep sense of sadness...it hurts...after all this while...it can still hurt...youch..but then God picks me up...fills me with immense joy..i seriously feel like laughing...oh God...the JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH!!!:D how on earth can i continue to feel sad when my best friend cheers me up till im on top of the world? kindof impossible....listening to 'Majesty' by Planetshakers now...whoooo!!!!! wheee...okay im gonna go high soon:D Oh Lord lemme rise up to the next level...show me more of Your face...

    That day after talking to Amy God gave me an interesting vision about closure. He showed me a man trying to put a glass looking box over something...and the scene keep repeating, only that the man was in different positions of the room with the glass box thingy. Then I sensed God say..Man tries to find closure on his own by he will never succeed cos he is trying to do it by his own strength. He thinks he has found closure when he manages to put the box over the situation...but he forgets that though he tries to capture it the situation is still exposed, just as the box is transparent, and sooner or later this situation will throw itself out of the box, and it will be worse than before. Then God showed me an envelope which He had closed with His own blood and had sealed it up. Then I sensed Him say...only when He granted closure would the matter be closed once and for all...only then will there be real closure...Lord teach me how to surrender everytime it hurts...grant closure over this whole situation when the time is right....
    Hmm..i get all sorts of interesting pictures from God, may times during worship, and most of the time i cant figure out half of them...should start keeping a book for these pictures and visions...

    Went to tighten braces today...haha orange colour braces! muahah....next time i wanna get purple:D dum dee dum...cell picnic tml! yayyayay i wanna get wet....exciting things gonna happen..its already happening in Highlife..GOD YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!! WHOOOO!!!!!!!! Hallelujah, to God be all glory:)
    Sarah Wong @ 9:50 PM

    Tuesday, January 01, 2008

    Hmm..the new year's here...really intersting stuff the past few days...

    I forgot to talk about the poly christmas party on 23rd Dec in my last post! It was seriously great...good experience for me:) really agree with Wee Kiat that God planted something in the sec 4s and 5s who came..was amazed at what happened after the worship and when the party had ended...ppl...sec 4s and 5s..mingling with the poly ppl, without anybody prompting them to, exchanging guit. skills..playing UNO stacko and just talking like everybody knows everybody (wait, now they really do!)...seriously good stuff....

    Guess the next highlight would be last night..Watchnight...IT.WAS.AMAZING. seriously. Im not jut saying this cos im in Highlife...but seriously...wow...everytime i see Highlifers now...everytime we meet up and we start talking...I feel that i belong...no, im not turning to Highlife for a sense of security, but i believe that every christian needs to belong somewhere, somewhere that God will start to build that person up and strengthen that person through fellowships and friendships within that group. I guess its pretty clear to me where I belong in school (campus crusade) and in church (Highlife!) :) At least, i know that there are ppl who care, ppl who are genuinely interested in investing time in my life. Wow..

    Anyway, ive sidetracked. muahaha.... Im glad that a few sec 4s and 5s made the effort to come..its honestly encouraging (hope you guys enjoyed yourself!):) GWEN YOU ROCK!!!! NEVER EVER EVER EVER doubt that God gave you gifts to flourish in:) Wow the video that you and Kelton did is, WOW! haaha...didnt Chye Aik even make special mention about it?;) The testimony part went ok.. i didnt break down and cry..all in God's strength...seriously, without His strength, i wouldnt have been able to say wad i said...THANK YOU JESUS!!! then sermon...good stuff..really good stuff...altar call was fantastic...felt God's anointing over me..God..teach me and train me up to serve well in Highlife...I wanna give you my all... two leaders prayed over me...went back and sat down in my seat, although I felt God tell me that He wasnt done with me yet...was just silent and looked around...and just like at camp i saw the Highlife family...people praying for others..ppl getting touched by God through others...ppl fellowshipping...wow..and then worship...haha..and then i was starting to tell myself that i must have heard wrongly since altar call was over so how could it be that God was not done with me? Then Tian Ying came up to me...hugged me...started to tell me stuff which..well, obviously comes from God since...HOW ON EARTH DOES SHE KNOW ABOUT THAT?!?! and yeah i started crying...and the song they were playing was Mighty to Save. Like haha, how much more apt can the song be??? God, your ways are seriously cool...always leaving me astounded as to how You could do something so amazing...Then Chye Aik announced the Highlife Vision 2008. The three Rs. COOL STUFF!! gets me all excited for 2008. Yay! A special thanks to Amy, Clara and Tian Ying for encouraging me yesterday:):):)

    Just wanna take this time (or rather, space) to thank some ppl in 2007:
    - Every single Highlifer would took me in as one of their own and was there for me in my first year in Highlife, esp: My cell (poly/ITE 1 rocks!), the Highlife leaders (you guys are amazing), CAMP COMM!! (as Darren likes to say, CAMPCOMM SHAKERS!!! maybe we should really start a band one day, haha!)
    - Megalife ushers! (great time serving with you guys:) Continue to stay strong in God and remember to always serve with all you are for our Almighty Father:) will miss you guys though
    :( )
    - Campus Crusaders! (esp Constance, my DG mates, crusade leaders and, well, every crusader that I know, thank you for helping me to feel at home in sch:)
    - My mummy:) Thank you mummy for being a great friend for the later part of the year:) continue to grow strong in God, always remember that He loves you and He has given you many spiritual gifts:):)
    - Last but definately NOT least, in fact, the most impt person to thank:JESUS:):):) Thank you Jesus for guiding me through this year, though it was quite a tough year, You are always there for me, You are always guiding me, and You never ever fail to give me sweet suprises...continue to grow me this year God:) I wanna trust in Your will and Your promises:):):)

    Welly, guess thats about it:) Happy new year everybody and well, guess this marks the start of yet another exciting year in God's ministry!! WHOO!!!!:D:D:D:D
    Sarah Wong @ 6:11 PM

    Tuesday, December 25, 2007


    Okie, so many things to blog about, but so little time!!! So, instead of doing projects, i shall blog now, MUAHAHA..:D Ok...I'll start with Inside Out camp (record no. of 75 campers!):


    After school choinged to Vivo (thanks dad for sending me, haha) and saw the dark angry clouds, met the familiar faces of camp comm and Highlifers, cheered up instantly:D Usual crazy camp comm nonsense, wad with Shawn trying to murder me with some sort of sword, lol!! Prayed against the dark angry clouds! whoo! Colour puzzle started. Crazy highlifers lugging lugguage all over Sentosa! Whoo! The rain held back! Yay! Colour puzzle was fun man. Back to camp site. Beach sub comm started to prepare beach games. We prayed against the stormy clouds again, looked super heavy. Started drizzling as we went down to prepare. But something inside of me told me that God will do something about it. Beach comm marched down to the beach in faith. Game started. Great fun! Chye Aik joined in! He was really sporting! interesting veggies flying in the air, fantasic forfeits...HIGHLIFERS CAN DO MUA ZI!!! WHOO!!! ( Btw Highlifers are from 17-20 plus in age)Highlifers, we rock! haha...THE SUN CAME OUT!!! Camp comm was stunned. In the end, God even put a sunset there!!! Beach comm started jumping around and praising God after games. haha...dunno who said.." God ate up the clouds!!" ..haha..so much for the "this is a lightning warning from 4:50pm to 5:15pm. Please stay out of the water. " before games started. really proves that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD:) After that was service. Then camp comm and leaders planned for Pilgrim's progress for next day. Realised location was NOT GOOD. Last minute decided to change location. Planned till everybody were like zombies. super funny!! Got some sleep:)


    Workshop in Morn and early afternoon. Real good stuff man..to deal with the insides...Went with next beach comm to prepare games. Again sky looked super dark. Last minute changes: from playing inside to playing the ultra board game outside on beach and also other changes. A few heads cracking *crack crack* to think up of more stuff to fit new plans. Fun though, haha. Prayed against rain. Went down to the beach. Started to pour. Played at Emerald Pavillion. Rain was a blessing in disguise. Made highlifers run out in the rain and do the challenges. WOW.Never say Highlifers so enthu. Even the girls ran out and played. Everybody wet and happy. ahaha...all that kissing trees and burying ppl...SO FUNNN!!! " IM A PAPAYA TREE!!!" haha...God proved that His way is best..we say no rain is good. God tells us with heavy rain, its even better:) Went back, prepared for Pilgrims progress. Wow...was stationed along the trail to direct ppl. Had lots of time to pray and reflect. Cool...went through it in the end too..AWESOME...Personally the cross and the Hell station were the best...Really felt God's presence...Found out later some ppl cried at the stations, many were touched..God can still do miracles even though it was a last minute shift of trail as long as He's with us..:)

    Workshops, prep for talent night, workshops. (good stuff man, learnt alot of new things from the workshops).Talent night was good, everybody really put in alot of effort in preparing. MC was super funny...hahahaha..AND THEN NIGHT SERVICE. AKA POWER SERVICE. WHoo!!! God's rain just fell...and fell..and POURED on the Highlifers. Amazing..ppl praying, ppl crying, etc etc...ppl falling...God's presence so strong...Fellowship going on...awesome time...Chye Aik prayed over me...that i will not hold back God's word that He puts in me...thats like super true..i dont mind sharing with cell members etc, comes to leaders im scared....I obeyed..started to pray for someone...God used me, a nobody, to touch someone else..amazing..God you never cease to amaze me...when i least expect it...:) Later i realised He was fufilling His promise to me before camp..."I have given you power in your hands..use that power...You have been given my authority..." that happened in the MRT..haha will explain one day about that when i have time..

    Testimony time..AMAZING. Super God-led. My goodness, right from the start to the end, God reveals Himself to us. But wad is shared i cannot say here, only the Highlife family knows:) Awards. Again God-led. Esp one of the prizes....super obvious its God and not us leading this whole camp..break camp. Everybody goes cam whoring. haha..fun fun.

    In short, this camp was made possible because of one person: JESUS. Without Him and without His spirit on us, we wouldnt have carried out such a good camp. A super God-led camp. I pray that this will be the start of many many more God-led and crazy Highlife camps to come:) HIGHLIFERS YOU GUYS ROCK!!!:D:D:D

    After camp is...projects! okie, nothing to say bout projects, lol. and preparing presents. I realised something...sometimes i feel lonely...but then as i prepare the presents i realise how many good frens i have and how many great friendships i gained this year (esp Highlifers!)..yay...and I realised...God blessed me so much with this ppl:)

    And then Christmas! whoo...today was trying-to-catch-everybody-to-give-presents-day. haha...fun fun..great time with the polyers eating lunch together...Poor Wee Kiat.. the things we make him do...haha, cheer up Week Kiat! We polyers love you!:D youre a great cell leader! which makes you fun to bully..hee hee...;) What struck me this Christmas is...how many ppl acty know the true meaning of Christmas...its so twisted in the media these days..do ppl acty use it as an excuse to go high and be merry and get drunk? Its sad isnt it? Christians out there (including me), its time we spread the real meaning of Christmas to everybody...to spread the simple message of Good News that God gave this world 2007 years ago...My Christmas wish? That one day everybody will know who the real birthday boy is and the true meaning of Christmas:) Have a merry christmas ppl! God bless:)

    ---------END OF PROBABLY MY LONGEST BLOG POST EVER-----------------------
    Sarah Wong @ 6:10 PM

    Sunday, December 09, 2007

    Okie, im supposed to be doing projects, but...just felt that i needed to blog...so many things going on these few weeks...lemme focus in on this weekend...Friday...Youth Alive! Awesome time of worship...Megalife worship level serously increasing...i really pray and hope that it'll continue to go up and not fade away as time goes by...I guess it was'nt just as impactful on me as I wanted it to be...yes the atmosphere was there, yes i could feel God moving, but I just was'nt part of the whole thing...now i know I wasnt oversensitive a few months back..God really wants me to move on...It's painful..it's tough...but it just has to be done, I just hope that I can give my best in the year to come...Lord you deserve my very all and my very best...

    then yesterday was Kor Kor Brendon's wedding! really great time...haha wanna find out more come ask me...besides that...projects and more projects, and HIGHLIFE INSIDE OUT CAMP IS COMING!!!!! wow....God, we know your presense will be with us...I pray that You take control of everything we do..let us run the final lap with confidence that our God is running beside us:) HIGLIFE CAMP COMMERS YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!:D:D:D

    Security...so important to everybody..everyone tries to desperately and so hard to find it...yet...everybody finds it in the wrong places...but God taught me..that it is only when your security is in Him will you feel that peace...that strong peace and comfort that will never leave you...first I put my security in how i did in school...my grades mattered so much...God removed that completely...I dropped from being the top few in school in secondary 2 to having 39 points for my L1R5 in sec 4 prelims...yet God was merciful and when i put all my trust in Him...that was when He showed that He could move the mountains and gave me 14 points for L1R5 for Os..

    then i turned to friendships...thought that they could provide me with the comfort i longed for and fill up that insecurity and change that low self esteem that i had...alas that really made me crash...a very heavy crash when i realised that..friends are jsut human beings..yes they are there to support and cheer you on...but only God understands you fully and lifts you up over your troubles when youre at your lowest point...Then when i surrendered friendships in God I realised that God was really changing and moulding me...changing me in a way that no one else could, removing my low self esteem....helping me to depend on Him and Him alone...

    When friendships were gone...He showed me how i found security in what i did for Him...lemme get it clear here, theres no harm in serving God, but once you find security in HOW you serve and not WHO you serve, something is terribly wrong..and I guess i was starting to do that...and God came in and had to remove that false security too...and when all of that is gone...I look up, and realise that the answer to security is literally looking at me, and that there was no need to search furiously for answers...

    This past year had been a really tough year for me..full of struggles and sorrow...yet I still wanna praise God for putting me through this..cos this only shows that He loves me so much to wanna correct my ways and is training me up for my future calling... I pray that if you read this post...remember that your security..only when placed in Him and Him alone...will make your life feel complete...if you know me then feel free to talk...i'll be there to listen:)
    Sarah Wong @ 9:53 AM

    Wednesday, November 21, 2007

    hmm..lots of things have been happening in my life..makes things really interesting...abit crazy sometimes...but..all these experiences that i go through...i know that God will use it to grow me as a person...to change me from the inside out..

    Decisions decisions....so agonising...God please help me make the right choice that will enable me to fullfill my potential and where i will be able to find JOY and Your PEACE....God...teach me Your ways...i wanna run after You and stay strong in whatever You've called me to do...God..You know wads going on in diff relationships and friendships in my life rite now..all I ask is that Your will be done, cos i know that Your will is best for me...help me to press on and perservere...in a God who can do the imposssible..use this hands Lord...use these hands to make a difference...use these hands to testify that indeed, You ARE the one and only way of redemption and salvation...help me stay strong in You...I love You Jesus... :)

    My braces glue came out! Humph, thats wad you get for eating 6 chicken wings...ahaha..mum's chicken wings are the best...cant help it..welly, appointment's on Friday so not so bad, haha..I went night cycling last friday with crusaders! Rocks mannn...seriously had a whole lot of fun...good food, good fellowship...good exercise...good laughter...really made my week...mann...hope i can go night cycling more often...haha...super fun man! Welly well...should get on with projects...at least this week's e-learning week, more time for projects and other stuff..till next time...happy mugging to the uni-ers and happy projecting to the polyers and happy having a good time to the done-wif-O-level-ers and other primary and secondary sch-lers, ahahaa.... :D
    Sarah Wong @ 10:40 PM

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