[About Me]

Name: Sarah
Loves: JESUS!!! Family, Megalife, Ushering, Friends, Being lame and crazy, reaching out to lost souls
B'day: 17 March 1990

[ my paths]

August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 April 2008


  • Megalife ushers!
  • Audrey
  • Cheryl
  • Cordelia
  • FFF
  • Heather
  • Hui Ping
  • Janel
  • Kimberly
  • Melissa
  • Priscilla
  • Vivian
  • ESPECIALLY FOR: MY DEAR FRIENDS OF 4E, 1A02 AND ALL NON- CHRISTIANS OUT THERE IMAGINE: You are walking in a desert...perspiration drenches your face..the sunlight pierces through your skin, at times blinding you..the stiffling heat is overbearing, and as you drag your tired self on, suffering of thrist and hunger, and you wonder why you bother to continue living..life to you has become meaningless.. its all a vicious cycle...you walk aimlessly and endlessly, just to find yourself following your own footprints of the previous day..serveral vultures trail behind you, their glare is fixed on you...you cry out in agony, but not one seems to hear or see you..all hope to you is lost... Or so it seems.. Suddenly, you see a trickle of water flowing right beneath your feet..could it be? you wonder whether it is a mirage, but as the trickle turns into a small stream, you start to believe, and you follow that stream...and as the stream gets wider, you see a shape in the distance..you start running to it, and what lies before you is a mountain in all its splendour. Out of this mountain flows streams of fresh spring water. You drink from the stream, and the water is as sweet as ever. The vultures disappear..You stare in amazement..how could it be? But the mountain still stands there, as majestic as ever... Do you believe? Do you believe that just as there was a mountain in the desert, God can do the impossible? Do you believe that just as fresh spring water flowed out of the mountain, God is giving you an opputunity to drink from His well? Do you believe that just as how all hope is lost in the dersert, God has put that mountain of hope to restore your broken life and give you the hope that you need to start life afresh? Do you believe that God can erase that past that huants you, just as vultures do in a dersert, and give you a new life? Do you believe? Believe it. Believe that God is real. Because in John chp 3:16 it says:" For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." God loves you so much, that he sent his son to die for YOU. Believe that God can do the impossible. Because in Isaiah 49:19 it says;" See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not percieve it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Believe that God wll always be there for you, through the thick and thin. because in Psalms chp 23:4 it says:" Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Believe it. Now you have a choice. The mountain represents God. He will always be there when things seem impossible to solve. Now you can choose to run to that mountain where you can seek shelter from, or you can just treat it as a mirage. The choice is yours. If you have chose to believe that God is real, and you believe that Jesus came down and died on the cross to take away your sins and then rose again, say this with all your heart: " Dear Jesus, I believe you are tha Son of God and that you gave your life as a payment for the sins of mankind. I believe you rose from the dead and you are alive today in heaven preparing a place for those who trust in you. I have not lived in a way that honours you. Please forgive me for my sins and come into my life as Saviour and Lord. Help me grow in knowledge and obedience to you. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for giving me eternal life. Amen." ( prayer taken from stories for the extreme teen's heart) If you prayed that prayer, CONGRATULATIONS, the angels are rejoicing in heaven now. If you have not, God will always be waiting for you to accept Him:)

    [[ John 3:16 ]]
    For God so loved the world that
    he gave his one and only Son,

    that whoever believes in him
    shall not perish but have eternal life.

    [[ John 14:6 ]]
    Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.
    No one comes to the Father except through me.

    [[ John 8:32 ]]
    Then you will know the truth,
    and the truth will set you free.

    He l[0]ves yo[u]*.

    Thursday, August 31, 2006

    Today had piano lesson as usual..interestingly it went ok although i didn't practiced much..heh heh...bought the exam pieces cd, and now I'm listening to it and wondering how on earth i'm gonna play those pieces because they sound extremely difficult to play..sigh..God, please give me the patience I need to complete learning the pieces i need to play...I'm madly in love in Prelude in D flat major! hahaha.. thank you Chopin for composing that song! my bro tried to the play the base of some parts of the song on the guitar, while i played the melody on the piano, and it actually sounded quite interesting and cool! hahaha...got our class polo-t today! yay! Hui Ping and Gladys did a great job at designing it! the shirt looks cool! but its kindof oversized for me..heh heh..but the material looks like the kind that will shrink, so hopefully...oh well, today is teachers' day celebration, and also my mum's b.d. Happy birthday Mum! haha..and also Malaysia's national day.. oh well, that's it for now..
    Sarah Wong @ 12:45 AM

    Tuesday, August 29, 2006

    These two days we had this career seminar thing...now I'm not too sure where to go...JC? poly? Don't know? there are many pros and cons for both JC and poly I guess...if I go JC I'll have more time to think exactly what kind of career I want to take..its also easier to get into University... if I go to poly...some of the courses look quite interesting..there's biomedical science..and interior designing and product designing also look quite cool...and i'll also get more experience..BUT then I'll have to wear my own clothes..and im not at all keen on that.. i'll also have to leave meagalife..sniff sniff..sigh.. well, as my teachers say, the most important thing is to do well for O levels so i can go anywhere that i want to.. but i have this horrible feeling that im gonna do badly for prelims already..:( sigh... oh well..whatever happens..God, let your will be done..
    Sarah Wong @ 11:40 PM

    Monday, August 28, 2006

    Cry Of My Heart:

    Dear Jesus,
    Lord I know that you created me perfect and pleasing in your eyes, and God I thank You that You gave me a chance to live life to the fullest, as Psalms 139:14 says:" I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.". but God, I ask of you this day, please give me the wisdom and sensitivity towards others. Please God, help me not to be so dense and foolish anymore..because God, I don't want to hurt those close to my heart, especially my very own family.

    In Jesus' name I pray,
    Sarah Wong @ 12:10 AM

    Sunday, August 27, 2006

    Yay! my blog has music! haha...hmm...today was an ok day i guess...went tuition,then went church, was ushering,yay! Service was really good..it was abt friends,and it was a seeker friendly service, so they had all the funny games and all...sermon was good too..near the end of the service when PJ started praying for the ppl, I saw this picture of a pillar..and then i sensed God telling me that He would be my pillar of strength..that He will always supprt me..I felt very comforted, and i could just feel his presence within me,radiating in me..its these times where I feel so thankful that Jesus is always there for me, 24/7:) yay! walking home was as usual,a little depressing:( ever since i couldn't go for cell after services...then as I was walking halfway i called my mum whether there was dinner at home, and she said i could join my friends for dinner...well, I just told her i would come home and eat..firstly cos I don't even know where my cell was..secondly..i dunno..its just that i know that if I join them then the next week when i can't go for cell i'll hurt even more inside..i don't even talk much to my cell ppl anymore..sigh, so depressing...Oh well, at least i still have JESUS!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh welly, thats all for now.......
    Sarah Wong @ 1:08 AM

    Saturday, August 26, 2006

    Whew! Came back from RIGE concert just a while ago..RIGE stands 4 Raffles Institution Guitar Ensemble..hahaha..was held at RJC..the JC is huge...anyway,really proud of my bro,he played endless love wif four other friends as one of the small group performances..you rock at guitar Daniel! haha..real nice song..b4 that went to bake cookies at pris' house..i think i fooled around more than i helped..heh heh...all i did was cut up a lot of chocolate and mix some stuff..then when the batter was ready we decided to do all sorts of weird shapes..we did this gigantic butterfly shape whic i think took up more than half the tray..Jiayen even gave it a chocolate chip smile...and then when it was baked it was basically bloated and disfigured..humph..it was like those before and after pictures in dieting, only it turn out the other way and the cookie became an obese butterfly,haha..oh well...
    Sarah Wong @ 12:45 AM

    Thursday, August 24, 2006

    Hmm, I can't believe I'm saying this, but im kinda bored... well, at least tmr i'm going over to Pris' house to bake chocolate chip cookies..yum..well, actually with me around its more like concocting up some poison mixture, cos i cant cook or bake for nuts! Well, actually come to think of it i am a nut...then after that going for bro's guitar concert! haha.. so I won't be so bored..just now I rewatched the planetshakers 'Evermore' dvd... there's this documentary in it about world vision that I feel like crying every time i watch it.. the children in Africa..so poor yet so contented with what they have... I really wanna go Africa one day...oh well...I believe when the time comes God will send me...
    Sarah Wong @ 11:14 PM

    WHOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRELIMS ARE OVERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, time to slack and slack some more!!!!!!! on the not so bright side, Linda told the rest about her going back to U.S:( Sigh...sniff sniff... Well Linda, pls do come visit all of us again one day, or else I'll fry Lin, Lin-lin, Liny and Linsy and mail them to u for christmas! Ha! Oh well! Gtg! To where? Slack some more of course! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sarah Wong @ 5:07 PM

    Tuesday, August 22, 2006

    I CAN GO FOR MISSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Well, actually its just that my mum allows me to go, not too sure whether they will let me sign up one week late..and then there will be interviews...but as I said before, I believe that if God wants me to go, no matter what happens, I will be going for missions:) ..yay.. Oh well, can't think of missions now, must think of lit. sigh...:( At least i don't have to wake up too early tommorow:)
    Sarah Wong @ 11:51 PM

    Monday, August 21, 2006

    On Sunday towards the end of the service, Pastor Vincent asked us to think back on how Riverlife has changed us. And then I begin to see how much God has worked in me through Megalife. I start to think about how God brought my family to Riverlife from our old church through my mum's friend..about how God made it possible for me and my bro to attend Megalife which shifted to Saturdays instead of Sundays...about how I started to get serious about God..about how he sent someone to ask me whether I belonged to a cell during an alter call when I started thinking about joining a cell...about how He moulded me and shaped me through Megalife and my cell and ushering.. about He brought me into ushering through Geraldine..about how he placed different people from megalife to guide me along the way, especially my past and present cell leaders..Jolene, Geraldine, Xuan Yee, Xue Ting,Natalie and Joy..and my area overseer Joylynn for keeping in touch with me when my mum disallowed me to go to cell...and my ushering ministry head, Cordelia... about how I got to know so many cool megalifers..about how He revealled my calling to me.. and now I'm just left in amazement of the so many things that He did for me..and all I can say now is.. Thank you Jesus..thank you so much..and I love you lots:)
    Sarah Wong @ 11:54 PM

    ..."In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me. From the depths of the grave I called for help, and you listened to my cry.
    Jonah 2:2
    Sarah Wong @ 5:18 PM

    Yay! Today's a holiday! Well, that's if you count study and study some more a holiday.. sigh, tmr's A maths ppr though, and I have no idea how to pass.. Ok, I wanna talk about the GOOD things, so, yesterday I was ushering for the 2nd combined service! it was SO COOL!!! I was giving out the bulletins, and ppl just kept coming and coming and coming... I really hope that happens for the christmas musical!:) Even though my arm was a bit sore after carrying so many bulletins, but you know what? It was all worth it, because every bulletin meant that one more person would possible enter God's Kingdom, so I really hope that the stack of bulletins will be even heavier for christmas musical! Yay! It was so awesome to see so many people from the church, from the young to the old, all entering the santuary to unite as one and worship the one true God:)

    Then about missions.. I asked my mum yesterday whether I could go, and she said that she'll discuss wif my dad first.. Arghh!!!oh man, I am very impatient by nature, and I really think God is teaching my patience..BUT I have faith that if God wants me to go for missions this year, I WILL GO FOR MISSIONS THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!Sigh, now all I have to do is wait.. something im not very good at..:(

    Oh welly, better get back to studying...
    Sarah Wong @ 4:54 PM

    Sunday, August 20, 2006

    Yay! Tommorow is 'levai', and we're joining the adults in a combine service. In case your dialect isn't fuchow, it means Sunday..ha ha.. Im going crazy over fuchow right now, I know im considered Hainanese since my dad's hananiese, but my mum's fuchow and I thick the dialect is so cool! ha ha.. wish I could learn that instead of chinese:( Gonna observe the adult ushers tommorow to learn how to usher when we shift into the worship centre! SO COOL!!!! Imagine meagalife expanding to 1000!!! Wow...God is AMAZING.

    Today my cousins came over for tuition, and then after that deb and I started watching Suite life of Zach and Cody.. ha ha..I know..im childish.. then after that watched a bit of high school musical..soarin, flyin..hmm..everyone's crazy over that song right now.. then went high trying to cram all those lit quotes in..i even went to my mum and asked her:" O where have you been, my dear, dear love, This long seven years and more?"quote from The Demon Lover. She replyed in a jokative tone:" I've not been anywhere! Dunno meh?" Ha ha ha ha.. hic..im going mad..Cordelia said she'll visit me at the mental hospital..I do hope she'll bring flowers.. ha ha.. ok, I need to 'ker kong me' ( go to sleep). Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
    Sarah Wong @ 1:18 AM

    Friday, August 18, 2006

    I somehow decided to re-read my diary today( The one I started when I got serious about God), and now I really wonder why I doubted what God said about my calling more than one and a half years ago. But before I say what I wanna say, I need to explain that I did not want to tell this to anyone, and the only persons who knows the entire story is one of my cousins and a close friend, and then I decided that this might possibly encourage someone out there who is thinking about their calling to press on into God's presence, so, let me start one and a half years back...
    Ok, so there was Extreme Camp that my church organised in early december, and on the last day of camp, my youth pastor asked us to ask God to give us a nation. So I started praying and asking God which nation, and suddenly this word AFRICA flashed in my mind. Then after awhile my Pastor told us that some of us were going to China, and that she saw some blacks in the picture too. So in my mind I thinking: Hmm..Africa..dark skin.. And at that point of time I doubted whether it was just me or whether that word I saw was really from God. So in the bus back to Singapore I was praying to God to give me confirmation, that what I saw was from Him.

    Well, one or two Saturdays after Extreme Camp, our cell experienced this mini revival, and it all started because one of the cell members then asked someone to pray for her after service. Our cell leader then told us to go to the room we usually went to for cell, and after awhile everyone gathered there including the girl that needed prayer and the girl who was praying for her. While they were praying, the rest of us started worshipping, and suddenly one of my friends came up to me and told me that she had a message for me, and that she could see me shepherding others to the Lord. After that someone else came up to me and told me that when she was praying for me, she saw me wearing a crown and sitting beside God, BUT before that I was gonna go through really rough times, and she even read me a verse which I stupidly forgot to remember, but I think it's somewhere in psalms or proverbs, and basically the verse was about how others were gonna trample over me and those kind of stuff:( I also remember her asking me whether I was ready, but at that point of time though I said yes but in my heart I wasn't fully prepared for what God has install for me. Well so basically I was crying like crazy, and after awhile different people just started praying for others etc, and people got slained and stuff. That day was really cool, and God's presence was just so strong within our cell:) Coincidence that this would happened after I prayed for confirmation? I don't think so:)

    Well, after that day God gave me words and pictures about going forth to different nations at different times, the most recent being at leaders camp. Now that I know that my calling is somewhere in the mission field, I don't know where I need to go next.. is there some place where people go to train as missionaries? Hmm... but I believe that as long as I press into God's presence and not lose sight of my calling again, God will reveal more:) oh wells, gotta get some sleep if I wanna do well for elec history and e maths today...
    Sarah Wong @ 12:22 AM

    Thursday, August 17, 2006

    Prayer of the day:
    Lord I cry out this day,
    Give me strength oh God,
    for my world seems to be crumbling down.
    God I am weak and frail,
    But God I know You will be
    my source of strength and hope.
    So Lord I'm crying out to You,
    and I know You'll guide me through,
    day by day holding my hand.
    And God I'll hold on to You,
    I'll hold on to those nail-pierced hands,
    Because God Almighty, I know,
    that nothing is impossible for You.
    Sarah Wong @ 4:39 PM

    Wednesday, August 16, 2006

    I WILL GO ( C major)

    INTRO: A / F/ C/ G/ A / F / C/ G

    Jesus I will go,
    to the nations of the earth,
    To spread the good news,
    to the sick and the poor

    Lord I'll proclaim,
    To the lands, of your name
    God I will go,
    God I will go.

    Jesus I will go,
    Jesus I will go,
    Jesus I will go
    ...............C ......G
    For your holy name.

    This is what happens when I'm under stress.. Well, actually the first song I composed a few weeks back, this one today. Sigh, afterwards there's music lesson:( which means less time to study which means.. ok, I don't wanna know what it means..worse still is that I haven't really practiced properly.. learning Prelude In D flat Major by Chopin currently. Nice song, but so many sharps and flats that I become confused. And my scales.. ok, yuck, I don't wanna talk about scales:( Oh well, better go get ready for piano lesson...
    Sarah Wong @ 5:23 PM

    WORSHIP YOU ( C major)
    F ..........C ...................G
    You are my God and I,

    I will praise you always,
    F .......C .......G
    Everyday I learn,

    learn to love You more.
    F .......C .........G
    God I long to grow,

    growing deeper in You,
    F .......C ..........G
    God I worship you...

    I want to grow,
    .............G............. C
    growing deeper in You ( 2 times)
    I want to burn,
    burn brighter for you
    Sarah Wong @ 5:17 PM

    Tuesday, August 15, 2006

    Not Now

    Pastor talked about missions today,
    to sign up for Thailand! China! Medan!
    Don't hesitate, Let God touch others through you!

    I listened to this with great excitment,
    wow, to touch nations, won't that be cool?
    Save one more for Jesus! So radical! Extreme!

    China..underground church? What if I get caught?
    No, too dangerous, lets rule that out.

    Too unsanitary, I work best in comfort,
    not in a village with grubby little kids.

    How about Medan?
    But my O levels are this year...
    Surely God wants me to get a good job?

    Well, so I guess I won't go for missions...
    At least, not for now,
    maybe next year. Yeah! Next year
    would be good, next year I'll go
    for two missions! Awsome! I'll go next
    year...just not now...

    Sarah Wong @ 3:47 PM

    To The Ends Of The Earth
    Love unfailing, overtaking my heart
    You take me in
    Finding peace again, fear is lost in all you are

    And I would give the world to tell Your story
    'Cause I know that You called me
    I know that You've called me
    I've lost myself for good within Your promise
    And I won't hide it, I won't hide it

    Jesus, I believe in You
    And I would go to the ends of the earth
    To the ends of the earth
    For you alone are the Son of God
    And all the world will see that You are God
    That You are God

    By Joel Houston and Marty Sampson,
    Hillsongs Publishing

    This song has been stuck in my head since this morning. Hmm, I better start from the beginning. Last night I came across Cordelia's blog, and it was scary and I started trembling once I read it, cos what she wrote that God said to her was very much similar to wat I have been sensing God telling me abt my calling. So now its finally beginning to make sense. Ever since Extreme camp, God has been speaking to me about going to the nations through different ways and different people. After reading Cordelia's blog, I was just reminded about my calling again, which I had sort of dumped at the back of my mind.Well, now i've gotta press on and pray that God would reveal more and pray real hard I'll be able to go for a mission trip end of this year! :)
    Sarah Wong @ 2:30 PM

    Monday, August 14, 2006

    Attention people, my tagboard is going on a strike against me right now, so to read the tagboard just highlight the whole thing. You can still tag me though, cos as you can see, I tried it out myself... Yeah, this notice is valid until I get a new one, which will probably be only after prelims.. any suggestions of a good tagboard website?( must be free).

    ---------------------Thank you for your kind attention----------------------
    Sarah Wong @ 2:11 PM

    Saturday, August 12, 2006

    Yay! Just came back from church! Little sad now though, must study! sigh.. Well, it was a great service today, PJ spoke about being creative and how God is a creative God and all that. God really works wonders. Because at the end of the service Pastor Joyce said that she sensed that some of us were in a real state of despair over a certain situation and there were times when we felt like giving up etc, and she wanted to pray for us. Well, needless to say I was despairing on how on earth I was going to pass my prelims since my mid-year results were really devastating, and my whole life is now just so confusing and messy, so I felt much better after she prayed for us.:) So now I am confident that God is gonna hold my hand and lead me through these two weeks and I know that I'll be fine because He's gonna look after me all the way! Yay!

    Oh yes, everyone out there, there's a seeker friendly series about friends at my church and the first one starts the saturday right after our prelims so I know u guys are free so join me on saturday k? 4:30pm :)

    Oh wells, gtg study!
    Sarah Wong @ 8:07 PM

    Verse Of The Week:
    " Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
    - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

    Well, since next week is my prelims, this verse captured my attention. Yay, there's megalife later!:) Oh yes, thanks for tagging me, Viv and FFF, and all the best for your prelims too! HAPPY STUDYING!!!:)
    Sarah Wong @ 9:02 AM

    Thursday, August 10, 2006

    Sigh...groan.. why? Well, here's why:
    - tommorrow is my prelim chem prac. and my English aural
    - I couldn't go for Megalympics today because of tommorow and the next two weeks:(
    - I can't go for planetshakers concert which is starting tommorow because of the same reasons:(

    But, as Cordelia suggested, I should be more optimistic, so, here's something to cheer about:
    - Mum cooked my favourite today,SPAGHETTI!!! Thanks mum!
    - Tommorow's Friday, which means the day after is Saturday, and Saturday=MEGALIFE!!!! YAY!!!!!
    - Jesus is gonna be right there beside me through my prelims and O levels!:)

    hmm... I dunno what I'm gonna say for picture conversation tommorow though.. I'm afraid I'll get a mental block:( maybe I should do something like what Hui Ping, Gladys and I say when we practice on our own and go like:" On the right there's a little girl wo is smiling very brightly. From this I can infer that the little girl brushed her teeth in the morning and probably used colgate total 12!" but I probably fail if I say that that.. sigh.. oh well..
    Sarah Wong @ 7:07 PM

    Wednesday, August 09, 2006


    The day has come!
    To bring glory and honour!
    DO YOU READ ME!!?!

    Sir, yes sir! Loud and clear sir!
    We will attack, we will march proud
    into the battlefield! Victory is ours!

    Ready soldiers?!?!! ATTACK!!!
    Seize the enemy! Destroy! Now!
    SIR, YES SIR!!!

    One by one the soldiers marched into
    the battlefield of doom and destruction,
    some confident, some fearful of
    what lay before them.

    The battle began, soldiers attacked,
    the fight was of the norm,
    blood shed on both sides,
    swearing and cursing, anger,hatred,
    cries of lost hope.

    A bloody battle, but soon over.
    Soldiers marched out, some injured,
    others exhausted,
    of the long tedious examination.

    And the commando strolled out
    for a cup of coffee and then
    a nap in his office.

    Ha ha ha..wrote this the other day out of stress.. sigh.. this morningwhen I woke up this phrase suddenly hit me: Trust in God always and He will be your source of strength and hope. Wow, God is really awsome:) Oh yes, HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! ha ha ha.. more like HAPPY Study-until-you-faint DAY!! At least I went badmintoning today at tampines. Had a great time. Managed to smash my dad once..ha ha... but he smashed me just about a dozen times so..ouch.. well, gtg.
    Sarah Wong @ 3:16 PM

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... wait,let me do it again Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great,that better. Ok, I knew I told myself that I'll start a blog only after O levels, but with the stress level I'm facing I think I'll just crack if a don't relief the stress somewhere. So. Yea! I have a blog! Ha ha ha.. Sigh, my prelim chemistry practical and my O level English oral is this Friday:( Oh well, I know God will help my through though, and He'll give me the confidence and calmness that I need and all. THANK YOU JESUS!!!:) One thing good coming from all this stress is that I rely on God and I talk to Him more, which is a good thing else I'll just break..of stress and also out in more pimples..ha ha.. went for FOP on saturday. Was USHERING!! SO COOL!!! learnt quite a lot that day. While I was worshipping I saw this picture of me as a broken wall about to crumble, and there was a man putting cement on the walls to strengthen it. Well, thats Jesus for you. Always there and ready to mend the broken-hearted:) well gotta go for now. Today playing badminton. YIPPEE!!! A big thank you to my parents for taking time out to play with me:)
    Sarah Wong @ 12:37 AM

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